Current Status

Seasons greetings Carnegie Mellon community, I am available for meetings Mondays and Wednesdays.

Research & Current Work

My research specifically focuses on understanding the economic and cybersecurity risks of Machine Learning or A.I. systems and tools, including generative (e.g. foundation, transformer) A.I. models.

I study this research topic by modifying existing methods for auditing -- as well as developing novel methods for evaluating -- machine learning or A.I. systems.

At this time, this work often involves `red-teaming' generative A.I. models, including for industry partners, and designing online and in-person `vulnerability' bounty competitions.

Red-teaming Inquiries

To inquire about my availability to join your organization's red-team, please send an email to


  • July 2024: Our paper on mis/disinformation in job advertisements was published and presented at ChiWork! [link to our ChiWork paper]

  • March 2024: Our workshop on Computing, Education and Capitalism was accepted and published! [link to our workshop paper]

  • August 2023: I attended a public red-teaming event at DEFCON, sponsored by the White House!

  • June 2023: I started an intership at Harvard Law School's Berkman Klein Center, working with Dr. Rumman Chowdhury to organize a public red-teaming event at DEFCON, sponsored by the White House!

  • May 2023: I will be giving an invited talk at Rutgers University on AI inequality and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) DIMACS Workshop Program

  • Tuesday, April 25, 2023: We will present our paper, Participation and Division of Labor in User-Driven Audits on Social Media, at CHI. Pre-print

  • January 2023: Our paper on Participation and Division of Labor in User-Driven Audits on Social Media was accepted to CHI 2023!

  • November 2022: Our YouTube Demonetization study was published in the ACM library! ACM Library